Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gold is Just a Commodity

This news seals it for me:

Pressure grows on IMF to sell some gold stores

SINGAPORE: The International Monetary Fund, one of the world's largest holders of gold, should sell some of its hoard to cover projected operating losses, say a growing number of the fund's executive directors.

The Washington-based lender predicts that it will lose $87.5 million next year and $280 million in 2009. Some directors say the fund should sell a portion of its 103 million ounces of gold, which are valued at $64.7 billion, and invest the proceeds in interest- bearing assets.

"We would support the use of fund gold as part of the solution to IMF financial needs," Tuomas Saarenheimo of Finland, chairman of a group that coordinates the position of European Union members on the fund's 24-member board, said during an interview in Washington.

The prospect of gold sales highlights the crunch faced by the fund as countries like Uruguay repay loans early, reducing interest income, and demand for fresh credit ebbs. Proponents must overcome opposition from the United States, the biggest owner of gold, which wants to keep prices high.... MORE ====>>

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