Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I Think, Therefore I Am

I love delving into esoteric mysteries, but in these days of mass marketing and the "New Age" , what was originally intended as profound and enlightening, becomes trite and banal. Thats why I often like a bit of black humour with my enlightenment. Hence - "I think, therefore I am depressed". :)

I am actually on the road at the moment; a mission to remind my relatives why they should not visit me for extended periods... achieved with minimal cost by me visiting them. lol

So sans the luxury of my office, multiple monitors, broadband connection, etc, my blog offerings will reside more in the whimsical than the rational for a few days... if indeed, my posts are ever rational.

*So in keeping with the esoteric theme, some musings on Gann, time & price from an old internet adversary and flame warrior, Grant MacDonald. Well past me I'm afraid, but this guys views are always challenging to the prevailing dogma, and therefore interesting.

*Not exactly esoteric, but mysterious nonetheless, Adam Warner shads some light on the workings of the VIX over the last few days. Here, here & here.

*As a token commentary on the futures markets, coffee is looking bullish once more, prompting some interest from at least one brokerage blog.

*The stock indicies and the Dollar Index are keeping things interesting for economic prognosticators (*click any financial link for comments on that)


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